Lucy Castro, MBACP
When things go wrong..
You are at a standstill. Or perhaps running round in circles. Either way, there's never enough time to explore the thing that's really bothering you. You can't see a way through on your own, and it's difficult to talk about with the people around you.
“Where do I go from here?”
Let's face it: shit happens. Things can change in the blink of an eye... we get side-tracked... or we make choices that don’t deliver what we want.
Healing is an experiential process. It helps to have someone who's job it is to listen alongside you.
I offer a space where you can be honest and speak freely. Your feelings are important in helping you see what’s going on and what you want to do about it. Connecting to your feelings and listening to what they are trying to communicate, enables a process of healing. Acknowledging something painful can be daunting. Having someone to believe in you and work alongside helps you find your inner resourcefulness and resilience. You take back your own power.
There is light in the most unexpected places.

Photo by Reen Onion